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Modern Healthcare Requires A Wider Flexibility Of Services

With modern systems and industries, both professionals and consumers are always paying close attention to what and where processes can be improved. For the healthcare industry, new insights have demonstrated a great need for more highly adaptable services. Here are some examples of such services.


Oklahoma just became the first state to expand Medicaid in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many other states are expected to follow suit. This is especially important within the context of the pandemic, as more and more families are finding themselves in tense, financially strained situations. According to the CDC, 25.5% of people under age 65 have public health insurance, but with Medicaid, those who have lost their jobs or are unable to afford insurance now may have a viable option to apply for Medicaid to help cover their medical costs.

Various Payment Methods

Now more than ever, healthcare practices must be set to handle claims from a wide variety of situations, such as patients with private insurance, patients with public or subsidized insurance, Health-sharing programs, or even paying in cash. No one wants to hassle with cumbersome financial processing while they or their loved ones are undergoing treatment, so the responsibility falls on healthcare providers to accommodate the needs and situations of patients and their families.

This challenge becomes all the more true when the treatment someone is receiving is for COVID-19, a chronic illness, or an illness that affects the immune system. These issues will, no doubt, weigh heavily on families, and the last thing they need is to hear is that something went wrong with their coverage for the treatment.

Administration Software

Healthcare practices would do well to be equipped with software that will facilitate the claims process, as well as solid data management tasks, in order to service this wide variety of patient situations. This will ensure quick and efficient financial processes so that medical professionals can focus more attention to patients and their families and, likewise, patients and their families don’t need to stress about financial complications.

Software like healthcare administration software should be flexible, accommodating the needs of both the medical center it’s integrated into and the ever-growing variety of patient coverage types.

A keen awareness of these varied scenarios is sure to make healthcare services more flexible while also maintaining efficiency.