
Featured Read

Group 156
Myths vs Facts - Explore the truth: Debunking Self Funding Myths

Debunking Self-Funding Myths: Setting the Record Straight

The ConnXion, Volume 3, Issue 1 For organizations evaluating their health plan options, the concept of self-funding can seem daunting, particularly for those accustomed to fully-insured plans. The fear of risk, the perceived complexity, and a lack of familiarity can prevent decision-makers from taking the leap. But what if the real risk is sticking with…

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US Healthcare Is Rapidly Changing Due To The Pandemic – Here’s How

As the United States struggles to navigate through the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it faces several serious difficulties. Mass…

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Benefits of Adopting Agile Principles in Healthcare Operations

Agile is a popular approach in the software development industry that focuses on effective adaptability. If embraced by healthcare organizations,…

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