
Featured Read

Group 156

Unlock the Power of Predictive Analytics: Turning Data into Decisions with WLTlytiX

The ConnXion, Volume 2, Issue 9 As the healthcare and benefits landscape evolves, organizations face mounting pressure to make smarter, faster decisions. Predictive analytics has emerged as a powerful tool in this arena, offering actionable insights that help organizations navigate challenges, optimize strategies, and deliver better outcomes. With the upcoming launch of WLTlytiX in Q1…

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student doctors have discussion with masks on

The Rise Of Gen-Z Professionals And Their Valuation Of Healthcare

As the years have gone by, the newest generation of young adults has risen into the hiring spotlight. Known as…

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Two women looking at monitor discussing.

Benefits Of A Truly Paperless Healthcare Industry

Modern technological developments have shown a tremendous focus on optimization and efficiency. The healthcare industry is no exception to this…

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man holding ball while another helps

Healthcare Payers Still Support Care Access Amidst Natural Disasters

The wide-ranging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have challenged every area of the healthcare industry. For example, aside from hospitals…

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macro photo of US dollar

Single-Payer Healthcare: No Major Shifts In Public Opinion Amidst The Pandemic

United States healthcare professionals continue to evaluate the various ways of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. One of these methods…

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Elderly couple sits on street bench holding hands in camel overcoats and masks.

American Seniors: Prime Segment For Both Pandemic Risk And Patient Servicing

As the United States government and medical professionals scope out the manifold effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one troubling concern…

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US Healthcare Is Rapidly Changing Due To The Pandemic – Here’s How

As the United States struggles to navigate through the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it faces several serious difficulties. Mass…

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